The early years at school are of vital importance. It is the time when attitudes are formed which affect the whole of your child\'s education and his or her later life. Our school, therefore, aims to provide a happy atmosphere where positive attitudes are fostered, where your child feels confident and secure, can mature socially, emotionally and educationally, and can develop qualities of independence, self-discipline and respect for others.
It is the responsibility of the school, not only to maintain sound academic standards but also to nurture and channel the natural curiosity that all children possess. We see the education of children in this wide sense as the joint responsibility of parents and teachers, and look forward to working with you in partnership.
Our Pre-Primary Section can claim to be the best in the region. It is fully furnished with customized furniture and fixtures and equipped with essential resources for small children, audio & visual aids, access to computers, and its own class libraries. Caring and experienced teachers are selected for these vital introductory classes. Professionally developed school worksheets help in assessing children on their physical, social, emotional, cognitive, moral, and aesthetic development, apart from their regular subject assessments.
When a child starts going to school he or she may have many worries and anxieties which to an adult seem minor, but to the child appear colossal. Teachers at Alpina School understand this and our initial aims are to help the new children settle into their new surroundings and to provide an environment which will give them the same sense of security as they enjoy at home.
An understanding of the basic skills of English & Urdu language, Mathematics and Science is most important to lay a firm foundation for the future. Every child acquires these skills in different ways and at different speeds. Our curriculum is designed to give each individual child work which is progressively more challenging and to extend each child\'s knowledge and understanding to the limit of his or her ability.
Schedule a visit to our nearest Pre-Primary and give your child an opportunity to have the best start in life.
"Your Child Deserves the Best Start in Life"