Academic Year & Examinations
1. There are three working terms each year, with two short (Winter & Spring) breaks and a long summer vacation. The first term commences from April till the first week of June (or as notified by the government). The second term commences from September to December. The third from January to March.
2. Monthly tests are supplemented with Term Assessments at the end of the 2nd and final terms for Classes 1 to 10.
3. Our examination and evaluation system is different from the usual practices followed by other schools. The marks entered in the report card are the averages of the child's daily performance in the class, daily homework, weekly tests and monthly tests. The main purpose of this change is to make children work hard regularly and sincerely throughout the year, create confidence to enable them to work independently and build positive study habits in them.
4. A student should obtain at least 50% in all subjects to gain promotion to the next class. If these minimum standards are not met, then after consideration of any adverse factors such as illness etc., the child may not be promoted. The school, as a matter of policy, helps the child as much as possible through individual attention and coaching.
5. If a child fails twice in any class then he/she is not accepted for the following academic year.
6. If a child remains absent from any Test/Examination due to any reason except for illness, he/she is not given any marks on that Test/Examination. In case of illness a medical certificate is to be produced.
7. Promotion to next class from Play Group to Prep will be made on a general assessment of each child. Furthermore, Playgroup, Nursery, and KgO children do not have to bring school bags to school.
8. The final decision in any case pertaining to promotion or retention shall rest with the Principal and the teacher.