Dear Parents,
It is our pleasure to welcome you to Alpina School. We are delighted to share our rich history of over 30 years, as well as our current and ongoing efforts to build upon this school's distinguished legacy and many unique qualities and attributes. In the following web pages you will find information about our school, program of study, the many people who make up our superbly qualified faculty, staff and administration, and the unique accreditations and memberships that link Alpina School to the very finest colleges and unviersities throughout our region and country.
Alpina School is a warm and friendly environment where a core commitment to academic excellence blends gracefully with equally strong traditions of pursuing excellence in character, an appreciation for the arts, and the development of well rounded young people who thrive on challenges and opportunities in all areas of life.
At the same time Alpina School holds itself to the very highest standards of transparency, accountability, and self-improvement. Our accreditations demand nothing less and they ensure that Alpina School is always on the march toward ever higher plateaus of educational excellence.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have about any aspect of what Alpina School has to offer.
We welcome you to our special community.
The Directors