Any absence from school, other than for illness, is discouraged. When a student is absent from school he/she will be marked as such, and no post-dated application or excuse will be entertained after the date of absence.
Excused absence can include any absence due to personal illness, serious illness or death in a student’s immediate family, necessary medical or dental appointments, personal or family emergencies. In all such instances medical certificates or other documentary evidence is required. Any other excused absences shall have prior approval of the administration. This prior approval should be well in advance of the date, and should be in writing by the parents only. Oral intimation through drivers, servants or telephone is not acceptable. Any absence without proper intimation will be penalized with a daily monetary fine. Tardiness or coming late to school functions and events can also be penalized. The permission for absence rests with the administrator of the school.
It is the responsibility of the student and parents to obtain the necessary information from his/her teachers with respect to making up for the work lost during their absence.