Complete Tuition fees details can be obtained from the School Office.
- Tuition fees are charged for one academic year, irrespective of school vacations or broken periods of attendance. Fee (including tuition and other monthly heads) is charged on monthly basis (except for summer vacations).
- A one-time Registration and Admission fee (non-refundable under any circumstance) will be paid by all new students in full at the time of admission. Security Fee is payable at the time of admission and is refundable at the time of withdrawal. All School fees, including School Supply charges for the academic year, will be paid as per fee schedule prior to admission. Charges for Student ID card, School Magazine, Sports, and Library (or others), if being charged, are annual charges and shall also be paid in full as per the school’s fee schedule. Other school charges or optional extras shall be paid as per school notifications as and when they fall due.
All students, parents and guardians are required to follow the rules and regulations as outlined in the School Policy regarding Tuition and Fees.